61 Rue Boué Lapeyrère; (Rue Memoz) Akwa

Clinic Dr. Boum

Clinic Dr. Boum
Located in heart of the city of Douala, Akwa district, Clinic Dr. Boum officially opened her doors on July 21, 2012 with a ceremony endorsed by the Government represented by the Governor of the Littoral Region, the Government Delegate to the Douala Urban Council, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, the traditional and religious authorities and Prof Fritz Albert Neurosurgeon - Germany, Head of Neurosurgery department at StadtKlinik Osnabrueck .
It is an extension of the project installed on the outskirts (PK13) of the city in 2003 under the name : “CENTER MEDICAL PARACELSUS”, long run by his wife Dr. BOUM Mélanie Née ESANGO, general practitioner.
Back from more than 23 years of medical training and specializations in the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr. BOUM Guy Patrice MD. PhD sets up the very first highly specialized eponymous clinic of Neurosurgery, General neurology and Neurotrauma in Douala.
Surgical specialties such as general surgery and traumato-orthopaedic surgery revolve around general medicine, and are performed by dedicated specialists who respect medical ethics.
Our emergency services are equiped with medicalized ambulances according to international standards with integrated operating theatres. This demonstrates our commitment to the management of emergencies both for individuals and companies seeking permanent health coverage for their staff and workers who are exposed to serious accidents at work.
An operating theatre and hospital rooms are housed in a hygienically impeccable setting. A warm welcome, a friendly atmosphere and a high sense of responsibility are served by attentive, caring and a well-trained staff.
As you keep browsing our site in search of knowledge, we are honored! Do not hesitate to let us know your point of view of any health issue, your parents, family and loved onces.
We welcome you to Clinique Dr. Boum
... Operating Brain & Spine
Thinking ahead
Moving forward !